Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Film trailers viewed, teaser trailers viewed

As a group we chose to do a horror teaser trailer as it was more interesting than creating a 5 minute short film or a music video. With a horror teaser trailer you can do so much with it as long as its within the time limit you can have a lot of fun creating something outrageous. To help with our research we were shown some teaser trailers in class and i also researched some on the internet. We looked at a range of genres of teaser trailers to help get an idea of what to expect, what to look for and how to present out teaser trailer when it comes to getting feedback.
The first teaser trailer we looked at was in class; The Incredibles.

The teaser trailer is a cartoon trailer, of a super hero, see all his magazine and newspaper clippings and posters about him, you immediately think he is the ultimate superhero and that he is on a mission to save the world, after he answers the phone, but then he struggles to get a belt, on suggesting that he is getting old for the superhero stuff and that he should retire, or that the world would be a better place without a superhero. Overall a really good teaser trailer starts off really serious, then turns comical, wanting people to go and see the rest of the film, wanting to see if he saves the world.
The next teaser trailer we watched was The Panic Room:

This particular trailer is of the genre horror/thriller, the horror of being trapped and confined into a small inclosed space that was designed to protect you. I love the idea of the narrated description of the Panic Room itself, the woman's voice is creepy and weird sending a chilldown your spine, making people feel uncomfortablem, even though the Panic Room was designed to keep you safe and keep other people out. I really liked the fact that after the narration you have really quick sharp clips from the film, but its all in complete silence, creating an uncomfortable position for the audience, at the end you have Kristen Stewart say the words 'What is he doing?' and Jodie Foster 'They're locking us in!'. These only wors said by the main characters makes the trailer really creepy, and when i first watched it i was really eiger to watch the whole film.
The next teaser trailer i researched via youtube called The Crazies:

This is a much shorter trailer that i found, only lasts for about 41 seconds, and it was quick and fast like The Panic Room whic as a group we liked the idea of, having loads of clips putting them together to make people want to come and watch out trailer. It has all the conventions of what a Horror Movie should have, and it looks really interesting and exciting to watch, the difference between this particular film trailer and The Panic Room trailer is that The Panic Room has clips the same as The Crazies, but each quick clip is in black and white and quite dark, however in The Crazies it has lots of colour, from the explosions of fire to the peoples clothes and the blood. Both very interesting trailers, which has helped us with lots of ideas on how we want to create out trailer on.
The next trailer i found was Twilight Saga: Eclipse, my all time favourite film collection:
Unfortunately i couldn't retrieve the HTML, but instead i got the link from youtube which will take you directly to the video itself:
I love Twilight, New Moon, and i was really excited and amazed with the thrid films trailer. The suspence it created, if you have read the books you can understand how excited people are for this film, i was happy that i managed to find such a brilliant quality video. Because i have seen the pevious two films, i get so excited and i cna't hold my excitment in everytime i watch the trailer for Eclispe, i could watch it over and over aigain and never get bored.
I've noticed that majority of the trailers i have researched, they have used just small clips creating this trailer and the use of spped to only see climpses of the film to get peoples attention and for people to want to go and see it to want to find out more.

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