Wednesday 31 March 2010

Option 1 - Poster

As a group we decided that we wanted to create a poster to go with our teaser trailer.
The first thing i did was research other film posters to get some ideas, on layout, colour and text.
I decided that the posters i wanted to look at where from the three horror movies we watched in lesson as a class.
The first film poster that i researched was Gothika:

This is the first poster of the three films and already i notice straight away that the poster has the main star as the main central image. I really like the effect the rain has on the actress and also the surrounding background, the use of lighting works really well against the black background. I notice that the name of the main actress is spread across the top of the poster with the film caption reading 'Because someone is dead, doesn't mean they're gone.' underneath the arm of the actress, which also has sliced into her arm the saying 'Not Alone',i really like the way this is presented, looking at the poster it really makes me want to know how she managed to carve writing in her arm and also what it means by 'Because someone is dead, doesn't mean they're gone.' the vibe i get from this poster is eerie and creepy. The name of the film has been written almost like the wording on the actresses arm, but written in bright neon light creating this reflective affect agains the rain and the wet skin of the actress. Underneath you also have the other famous actors that star in the film, written in plain font and quite small you don't really see it until close up, along with the people who directed, produced and edited etc. And then finally you have the date of the release big enough to read at the very bottom. I really like this poster, its really effective in its appeal and it really draws people in, they have kept it simple, but yet its really inspiring and eyecatching.

This is the second poster of the three films and immediately there is a simarlarity with both posters. They both have a central images, the main focal point to really draw people in to want to watch the film. What also catches my eye was the blacked out face, making it clear to the audience that its not a happy film but a horror, really creepy and really scary. The text at the top is pretty simple, all in caps with the quote of someone saying 'The most shocking film yet from the director of ring'. As you go down to the bottom of the poster it gets more simplier, you have the titile of the film in the middle, again in a plain font, and also the classification and DVD logo (DVD cover was the only image i could get due to so many site being blocked). I think that the only thing about this poster that really stands out is the central image, without the creepy child, in a dirty abandoned corridor, the poster would be way to plain and simple, the font really lets this poster down compared to the poster of Gothika.

This poster is of the third and final fiml that i watched in class. Again just like the previous two posters it has a main central image, a mad, crazy, physco man with his head through a door looking really creepy. The title of the film is different from Gothika and Dark Water as it is located at the top of the poster instead of the bottom, i really like the way they managed to get another creepy looking face in the first few letters of the title and the red writing against the black background, the font is alot better than the previous font used on the poster Dark Water, the central image and the title of the film really make the poster stand out already. Like with the title they have a black box at the bottom with all the production people, directors, producers, editors, camera people, distributors ect. I think the font is a bit plain but i don't think it really matters as no one sits there and reads who makes what film and who did the editing, that is why people tend to have them on the poster but quite small and located mainly at the bottom. Overall i really like this particular poster, i think the poster does it's job by attracting peoples attention and also making people feel quite disturbed.
I am really glad i have researched other posters, this will really help us when it comes to producting our own poster for our horror movie. As a group we will take things on board of what we have learnt and get ideas from exsisting posters.

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